Christmas Flower Dedications 2024

$25 per dedication.
Please fill out this form and click submit.
Help us beautify our church home for worship during the Advent and Christmas season by making a donation for poisettias in memory of or in thanksgiving for a loved one. 

Each dedication is $25.
Fill out the form below to submit your dedication. Dedications will be shown on our video screens on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and will also run in our digital bulletins and Monday Recap. 
Your Dedications

Please tell us your dedication by writing a sentence below including the type of dedication (i.e. "In Thanksgiving for . . .", "In remembrance of  . . .", "In celebration of . . .") and then who is making the dedication (i.e. "by John Doe")
Your Payment

You can pay now by credit or debit card, or you can choose to pay at a later date by check or cash. Checks should be made to Christ Church Denver with "Christmas Flower Dedications" in the memo line and mailed to Christ Church Denver, 2950 S. University Blvd, Denver, CO 80210, or you can drop the check by our office or simply place it in the offering plate.
Please select one option.


$25 per dedication.
Please fill out this form and click submit.