If you don't have a second child to register, please scroll down to the Parent Service Opportunities section.
If you don't have additional children to register, please scroll down to the Parent Service Opportunities section.
If you don't have additional children to register, please scroll down to the Parent Service Opportunities section.
Parent Service Opportunities
Please check any opportunities listed below that you might be interested in for the 2024-2025 school year.
I, as parent or legal guardian of the child(ren) named above, give my permission for photographs and videos of my child(ren) to be used on the Christ Church Denver website at www.christchurchdenver.org, Christ Church Facebook and/or Instagram page, and other printed/digital publications for no purpose except that of promoting the life and community of Christ Church Denver.
I hereby give my permission to the Christ Church children’s workers, or their designated representative, to call Emergency #911 or a doctor for the medical or surgical care for my child/children for the school year 2024-2025. It is understood that a conscientious effort will be made to locate me or my spouse before any action will be taken, but if it is not possible to locate us, expenses incurred for the care of our child/children will be accepted by us.
I certify that by typing my name below in the Electronic Signature Field and submitting this form, I intend to sign this document and be bound to the same extent as if I had provided a physical signature.